I just felt like runnin...

The race is a mile long...so why is it taking me all day?

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Workout Room

The weather is just to bad to be out running in it. I went to the workout center here inside ALT.

I spent 20 minutes on the elptical (if that's what you call it) machine. Then I spent 10 minutes going the opposite way with my legs. I like this machine because it's kind of like running, but without the harsh impact. Lately my knees have started giving me trouble. Just a little bit of trouble, but I'm taking it as a huge warning sign.
The last thing I want to be is a runner with bad knees.

I hate to say it, but I need to cut back on my trips to third gate. Maybe my lungs are ready for 10+ miles, but my legs certainly are not! I will need to strengthen them up first.
After my little bit of cardio, I worked on my arms. Then I focused on my legs and abs. Not to much weight, but plenty of reps. I rounded out the hour with stretching.
If I'm going to achieve my goal of running a marathon someday, I need to be smart. I need to know what I'm doing. I need to learn how to train properly. That means I have to incorporate strength training and cross training for overall success.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Running Naked

My ipod is dead. The downpour on Monday really screwed it up.

After hours of trying to revive it, I decided to run without it. That's right. NO MUSIC of any kind. Except for the song in my head.
You know what? It wasn't really that bad. In fact, not having music blasting in my ears heightened some other senses. I was more aware of my surroundings, but most of all (and a good thing for a runner) is that I seemed more in touch with my body parts. Everything I felt was sharper...clearer. I think I even ran a little faster without the music and that is NOT what I expected to happen.
However, I'm not making it a permanent deal. Sure I could get used to running naked (without music, I mean) but I don't really want to.
I like my music. But how am I gonna get my hands on another ipod?? Hmmm.

BTW- I ran a short, easy 2.5 miles. Westville & Pointed Rocks.

Monday, December 26, 2005

10 mile-Hail and Farewell

We've been having a lot of rain lately. This morning it looked like there would be a break in the storm. That was all I needed. I was out there one hour after I woke up. The problem was that I slept in. I didn't get out until almost 10 and I had my sights set on a third gate.
I wondered if the weather would hold out until I got back. It almost did. Not one drop until I was well into the 8th mile. Then the sky darkened and the temperature dropped. I could actually see my breath. All of a sudden I was being pounded by small clumps of ice. The ice turned into large fat puddles of H2O. I looked straight ahead knowing that it was only a matter of time before my ride shows up.
Sure enough, it wasn't long before my white trooper came into view. MB had told me before I left that if it started raining hard, he would come looking for me. By this time, I only had a mile left to go! I didn't want to stop. If fact I was rather enjoying the rain. Blue skies were ahead. I ran on and MB turned the car around. He pulled up along side me and rolled down the window.
Now it is important for me to say that I really appreciated MB's intentions of taking care of me. He's always worrying about me. However, I am a very stubborn girl.
This is what I said, "I'm okay, I'm good. I only got a mile left...I can do it!"
He offered to take the ipod.
Damn, I hate when he's right. I should have handed it to him. Instead, I replied, "No, it'll be fine."
Now my beloved ipod mini is not working.
Just before the rain quit, the volume began going up and down on it's own. Soon the click wheel wouldn't allow any volume control at all. I can't go back to the menu and my attempts to reset failed.
It didn't rain for very long. Just long to screw up my ipod. I'm upset- but it's not the end of the world. I'll call the number and hopefully it won't cost to much to have it fixed.
Well, there goes the fifty bucks I got for Christmas!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Glad to be home

Yesterday I ran to second gate and Otter trail. Man, it felt soooo goooood to be home. I miss running when I am out of town. I saw a few other people getting in some Christmas Eve exercise. The 4 mile route didn't seem long at all. I ran strong and hardly got tired.
Today is Christmas day and I really wanted to get out there again, but the weather stopped me. I love to run in the rain, but this is not just a little rain. It is POURING. I would be soaked before I even left me street. However, if it's still like this tomorrow morning...I'm going anyway, even if I have to leave my ipod at home.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Disneyland Fitness Center

On Dec. 19th, I got up at 6am. It was dark in our hotel room and my eyes were droopy. I am NOT a morning person. But like a kid on Christmas, I jumped out of bed, excited for what the day would bring.
I clumsily pulled on my running clothes and left the room as quietly as I could. I wasn't sure where the fitness center was, so I asked a resort worker.
It was located toward the back, hidden behind trees and a small swimming pool shop building. I was immediately disappointed. I suppose most Disney visitors don't bother to use facilities such as these. Later that day in the park, I found plenty of evidence to support my theory.
It was a small room with 4 nice treadmills lined up along the back wall. I grabbed a towel and headed for the closest one. I was quickly informed that the treadmill I was standing on was not working properly, so I moved to the only machine that wasn't being used.
I ran 2 miles and sweat more than I ever have doing just 2 miles. It was hot in the room. I'm used to being outside and honestly, I prefer the wind in my face.
In front of me stood 4 epilite running machines. The treadmills and epilites took up half of the space in the room. The other half contained a couple bikes and weight lifting machines.

While Disney Fitness Center was disappointing, but at least they had one. I was happy for that!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Easy 3 mile groin pull

Someday I will learn to do my stretches. I will do my stretches and decrease my chances of injury.

Until then, I will suffer from such pains as groin pulls.

I knew the muscle in my right leg was not doing well before I ran the 12 miles on Monday...but like the stubborn girl that I am, I ran it anyway. Today I was better to myself. I ran an easy 3 miles and took it slow.

30 minutes of running feels like nothing now. Yipee...I'm improving. Now just imagine how much better I'll get when I do my stretches! And YES, I'm going to do them. Why?

Because if I don't, I will NEVER run that marathon. This I understand and acknowledge. From now on...I'm doing at least 15 minutes of stretches right after I run. No excuses!!

For the record- I ran Westville, Pointed Rocks & Paymaster.

I saw one other runner and 3 bicyclists. Tomorrow is a day off. Then another light run on Friday to round out the week. Next week I will get plenty of exercise, but not from running. Unless you would consider running all over Disneyland, a vigorous activity.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Everyday is a Transformation...Metamorphosis

I've been wanting a good, long, hard 10-12 mile run all week. I can't explain why, it hurts like hell....but I wanted it anyway.

Today I was determined to get it. Never mind that pain in my groin, at least my stomach is doing well.

I am going to third gate (hopefully more) and that's that!

Everyone who knows me best could describe me in three words. Stubborn, brave and bold. In other words, I know what I want and am willing to go throw the fear of fire to get it.

What do I want? Right now, I want to run a marathon. Someday I will, but in order for that "someday" to happen, I have to work my butt off NOW! I also want to write a book. Obviously the book is not as important to me, or I'd be spending hours writing instead of running. Why is that? I am dedicated to the book just as much as running. I think the answer rests in what my emotional needs are at this phase of my life. Running is meeting my needs right now. Writing will come soon. I know it will. I can see it on the horizon. I am running towards it, getting closer with each step.

accomplishment. We all want it. We all want to feel like our lives have meaning and a purpose. We gotta know that what we do each day is more than mere survival. It is part of being human. A good part- I think.

Today I waved at so many people. People walking, driving and bicycling. One guy was in the road with a hose, washing away the dirt from his driveway. I moved to the other side of the street, but still flung muddy water onto my back as I ran through a puddle.
I did it. I ran out to third gate. Just after making the turn, I decided to run up Secret Lake trail and stop in at my friend, Denise's house. She had called me last night with some computer problems. I tried to help over the phone, but you know how hard that is to do. Luckily she was home and I begged her for a glass of water. We spent a little while resolving the computer issue and I took off once again for home. Though it was difficult to stop half way through the run, it was nice to talk to Denise and help her a little. I do love my friends and it feels good when I can help one of them.

On the way home I saw two horses playing. One had an orange contruction cone in his mouth while the other horse was trying to take it away from him. Funny.

Today I noticed that my legs are really changing shape. The muscle on my calves keeps getting higher and my knee caps are more prominate. Yes, I've been losing weight as well. It feels so good to put on a skirt that was tight on me last year and now hangs along my waist all loosy goosy. Nice. This picture was taken at least a month ago...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Other Side of Fear

I wanted to run 10 miles, but I did not.

I ran 6. Here's how it went down.

I have been feeling a bit ill all week. My stomach has not agreed with much food. It may be the over indulgence of last weekends party- or my sensitive insides- or a touch of the flu. Perhaps a combination of the first two, but does it matter why? The point is I woke up feeling sick...again.

Besides, the sun is out and shining...again. I long for the cool damp mist to drag along the asphalt surface. It is in the mist I can really run and not grow weary...at least not until the eighth mile! ;-)

I got my sorry butt out of bed and got dressed. I will run today, no matter what! I just won't get out to third gate. That would take 2 hours and I don't want to leave my girls alone in the house for that long.

Here we go. The Plan? Second gate and perhaps Otter to boot.

So I did that. Done and done. I was tired early on and wondered how in the hell I ever managed to run 12 miles (10 without stopping)!!
Before I even reached Sweetwater trail, I passed a lady jogging with her dog. Of course with it being a Saturday, there were many people out walking, biking and running.
On the way back from Second gate, I ran down Otter trail and passed the big log house. On their mailbox was a balloon. I wondered if the couple who lived there were announcing the birth of a baby...but the balloon didn't say anything. Not even Happy Birthday. It was mostly green with a little red in the middle. Could have been a red flower, but I couldn't tell. Hmmm??
O'well- I went on and forgot about it.

As I was coming up to my "finish line" I looked down at my watch. It's been 45 minutes. I knew I ran about 4 miles. Without stopping, I continued. Instead of turning left onto my street- my feet turned right. I ran up Westville trail and smiled. Another 2 miles!! Yeah!! I'm feeling good!
On Westville I saw another balloon exactly like the other one, attached to the mailbox of yet another nice home. Then it hit me...the Christmas home tour. Our gated community hosts a holiday home tour each year. I guess it's an open house sort of thing. You drive around to different homes to ooouuu and ahhhh at other people's stuff.

In 22 minutes I was back at my finish line and ready to stop.
6 miles. That's it...6.
Not bad for today, I told myself.

This is just as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one.
Why is it that some days my brain says..."run more, more, more, more!!! You can do it!"
While other days my brain says..."Kathy, what makes you think you have what it takes to run that far? Look at you...your butt is kicked after mile 6, or even 3 sometimes!"

We talk ourselves in or out of what we can or can't do.

Why? One word...FEAR

Fear of what?


So how can I get past this fear?

By doing the pain...giving my body permission to feel the pain. You would be surprised what is past the pain.
Today I was going up a hill and I thought I couldn't go any faster. The resistance and pressure on my legs was horrible. I asked myself...Why am I tired? Haven't I run harder than this before? Move it legs!!
But it will hurt!
Yes, it will. So what? It already does. Lift your legs up higher. You CAN do it. You're just afraid to feel the pain.

I managed to do it. I raised them up higher and went just a little faster. My heart was racing. My blood was pumping. My sweat was dripping. And when I got to the top, the pain left me. My heart rate came down. I felt a rush of adrenaline and man, I was on cloud 107...until the next hill and the next wave of fear.

It's one hill and one fear at a time. The challenge is always there. No matter if I'm running 4 miles or 12.

Still, I like the easy times, when running feels like flying and the pain turns to ice. I skate along it's slippery edge with the wind blowing through my hair. Above the pain, I am safe. Soon I will be in the melted water...and that is where I will learn to swim...on the other side of fear.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Catch My Drift?

Somedays you just see everyone you know. Today was one of those days.
Before I ran, I waved "hi" to my dear sweet friend, Kathi W. who helped pull my head out of the toilet last Saturday night...and believe me- I was sure to thank her for that one!

On my run I waved "hi" to Robyn, who is having a pampered chef party tonight, of which I will NOT be attending. Got enough of that stuff. She lives off of Otter Trail, so that's why I saw her.

Now bad me- I haven't told you where I went today. I wanted to run a long route, but the sun was shining so bright that I decided against it. I hate to run very far in the heat. Yes folks...I said heat. This is Ca. Yesterday it was cold, wet and foggy. Today it's bright warm and sunny. Darn, yesterday would have been more fun.

I ran Otter Trail and out to Second Gate. 4? miles. After I had made the turn at the gate, I saw another friend. Ron. Ron is the hubby of Thea. You know Thea! I had a dream about her last night because I felt guilty for not going to therapy when she called me last minute yesterday morning. In the dream she was walking. I think she was trying to kick my butt. Anyway- I waved to Ron and remembered I owe Thea 20 bucks.

This run today was kinda different. I was sluggish nearly the entire time. It wasn't until coming back around to the park that I felt good. I actually thought about running Westville too, but my bladder won the fight. It was screaming...GET ME HOME, RIGHT NOW OR YOU'LL BE SORRY!

Okay, okay...have it your way then.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Whatcha gonna do with your life?

You don't know this yet...but I had my first martini last Saturday night. It was something special my friend made with pineapple juice and coconut rum. It was very tasty.
It was a great party given by my friend Dana. I had so much fun. To much fun. I loved that martini so much that I had another one (not the same flavor). Then I had another and another.


Today I felt well enough to run.

My head finally stopped throbbing, but for some reason the thought of a martini right now still makes me nauseous. Go figure.

After spending a couple hours cleaning the house, I was very happy to click on my ipod to a sweet running mix.
The weather today was great. Sunny and cool. Perfect day for running.

I wanted to take it easy today, so I ran up Pointed Rocks, around Westville and decided to go ahead and do the Otter Loop as well. I would guess that's about 4-5 miles.

I'm rubbing off on my oldest daughter. Today is the second time she took to the roads and did 2 miles. Good for her. She says she likes running too. Cool. Also Megan wants me to go running with her someday soon. Okay, that would be nice. I'm hoping that someday I'll get to run in a marathon with them, or half marathon...even a 10k would be fun.

The route today was pretty uneventful. I ran past 3 new houses being built. A bicycler passed me and waved. Not much else. I was gone less than an hour. 45 minutes actually.

I hate being sick. I am discovering that hangover sick is the worst. I didn't run on Saturday because I wanted as much water in my system as possible. I planned on getting liquored up...but not that bad...and oh, was it bad!!