I just felt like runnin...

The race is a mile long...so why is it taking me all day?

Monday, July 11, 2005

Easier today

I got up and out of the house by 6:45.

I ran Westville Trail, the usual way.

I used the shuffle selection on my ipod, but found that I skipped many of today's choices. However, I do enjoy this sort of "never know what you're going to get" playlist. Could be Christian Gospel/Rock....or Duran Duran's "Bedroom Toys". Who knows!
If it doesn't strike my fancy...skip it.
I have a tendency to listen to the same songs over and over until I'm so sick of them that it takes months before I can stand hearing them again.
This way I might actually get around to listening to all the weird stuff I put on that little mini.

Things that happened today...
I waved at a neighbor.
I noticed the hedges on the crazy steep hill are growing out into the road again.
A cluster of birds took off from the middle of the street and one of them almost hit me. What am I? A car?
3 houses I've watched being built over the last year now have people living in them.
2 old ladies with trousers up to their bra were looking for their golf balls in a tall patch of weeds.
Two guys in a silver Toyota 4 runner gave me the thumbs ups (which I assumed meant "way to go") after I ran across the street in front of them at top speed. It was, after all, my sprint to the finish line.


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